Monday was "tart day" at my house. I've been making Crustless Quiches in french onion soup bowls weekly for some time and I thought it was time to finally step it up. Th evolution is as follows.
I bought a FANTASTIC new cookbook on the weekend which I immediately read cover to cover. I can hardly wait to try more recipes from it, because they all sound amazing. The book is "
French Taste: Elegant Everyday Eating" by Laura Calder (host of Food Network's
French Food at Home.) The book is a wonderful read, and the recipes are actually quite straightforward and are not too fussy.
SO. I went and picked myself up a 9" tart/quiche pan and began my journey.
I decided to make a bacon and onion quiche (basic recipe from my head/experience) and the Lemon Tart from Laura's book. This involved making 2 different tart recipes, a savory pastry and a cookie pastry. Both were quite wasy, and although I had moments of doubt, both tuned out very well.
Here is one of the recipes. In an attempt not to overwhelm, I'll put the other one in later this week. (*but there are pics of both for your viewing pleasure.)
Lemon Tart - so so yummy!
Quiche with Walnut Chevre Salad
Bacon and Onion Quiche in a Savory TartFor the tart (makes 2 9" shells*): *2nd disk of pastry can be frozen for later!
2 cups flour
pinch of salt
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp cold unsalted butter
1 egg
Mix four and salt together in a large bowl. Cut the butter into little chunks then add to flour, pinching with your fingers until it forms fine crumbs. (You want the butter to stay cold so work quickly.)
Make a well in the middle and add the egg. Quickly mix it with your fingers until it forms sort of a dough.
Divide the dough in 2, wrap in plastic and put in the fridge for a half hour.
After it has chilled, roll it out the best you can and put into the tart shell. (It will fall apart a bit, no worries, just patch it up and make sure it covers the whole thing evenly.) Chill for another half hour.
Now you need to "blind bake" the tart so it doesn't get mushy. Line the tart shell with a piece of parchment paper. Fill the paper with dried beans or rice to weight it down. (Once you bake the beans or rice you won't be able to cook with them, FYI) Bake at 400 degrees for 12 min. Then take out the parchment and beans, brush tart with some egg yolk and bake at 350 degrees for 12 min more.
Tart is done. phew.
For the Quiche4 strips bacon, sliced (cooked and fat drained)
1/2 onion, sliced (caramelized and cooled)
3 eggs
2 cups milk or cream
1/2 cup Gruyere or Cheddar Cheese (optional)
Spread cooked bacon and onion on the bottom of the prepared tart shell. Sprinkle cheese if using.
Whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Pour into the tart shell until it comes up almost to the top of the shell.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 min, until egg mixture is set and the top is golden.
Feel free to change around the quiche ingredients as you like. Another favorite of ours in sauteed leek and mushrooms with cheddar.
Make it. Try it. I dare you!