In this world of prepackaged snacks and sweets and other garbage, I'm forever searching for "from scratch" snack recipes that are quick, easy and portable. These bars are an excellent solution.
Do you know what a Larabar is? If you don't, you've been missing out. Basically a Larabar is yummy prepackaged real food bar that contains just a few simple (and real!) ingredients. Just nuts, fruits and spices. They come in yummy flavors like Pecan Pie, Cashew Cookie, and Peanut Butter Cookie (and dozens more.) Bottom line, Larabars rock. Downside? They are expensive. Fear not, for I have found the solution!
Homemade Larabars! I tried two varieties today and have a few more to try. But so far, they are delish. Even better than the originals. I got the basis for these recipes from this girls awesome blog. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/
**Be aware people. These are delicious. But they are NOT sugar and fat free. They are healthy because they contain real ingredients including protien from the nuts and natural sugars from the fruit and no preservatives. But don't be fooled. Don't eat them all at once. **
For each recipe, put all the ingredients in a food processor and process until it all comes together. Nuts should be very tiny pieces, but don't let it go until it's totally smooth. You want some texture. Divide into bars and wrap in wax paper. Keep in the fridge.
Cashew Cookie Bars (makes 4)
60 grams unsalted raw cashews (about 1/2 cups)
160 grams dates, pitted (about 1 1/2 cups)
drop of vanilla
good pinch of salt
Elvis Bars (makes 4 or 5)
60 grams unsalted raw peanuts (about 1/2 cup)
160 grams dates, pitted (about 1 1/2 cups)
60 grams dried bananas
drop of vanilla
good pinch of salt