Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tomato Love

We had a great weekend! Adrian and Stacey came over from the island on Sunday and we spent the day with them. We went to Granville Island to visit the market and picked up a few special ingredients for our dinner that evening. They have a wonderful shop that sells a huge variety of fresh pasta and sauces, so we treated ourselves to that for dinner. I made a Peach Crisp for dessert. It was simple and a great way to showcase some incredible peaches.

I also picked up some BEAUTIFUL HEIRLOOM TOMATOES and I finally found some GARLIC SCAPES that I have been looking for forever.

Some random info for you.

Heirloom tomatoes are very different from the bland varieties we find in the supermarket. They are considered an 'antique' variety because they are produced from seeds that have been passed down from one generation to another, and have not been modified like the hybrid supermarket varieties. Furthermore, heirloom tomatoes are allowed to ripen naturally and are therefor only available "in season." Because of this, I plan to enjoy these tomatoes in their natural state. Uncooked and maybe drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Perfection.

Have you ever heard of garlic scapes? I hadn't either until earlier this summer. Garlic scapes are the stalk of the garlic plant and they resemble green onions. As the gralic bulbs are growing, the farmers snip off the curly garlic scapes so the the energy given to the plant goes into the bulb and is not wasted on the stalks. These garlic scapes are apparently full of garlicky flavor and are best used in salads, stirfrys or GARLIC SCAPE PESTO. I will be attempting the pesto today with walnuts and fresh parm as a topping for a wonderful Italian Loaf.

After visiting Granville we headed out to Deep Cove and went kayaking for a couple hours. It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the company and scenery.
Yesterday we spent the day at my parents place by the pool. Have I mentioned how much I love living 10 min away from Club Med?

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